"Well here's to you Mrs. Robinson...."
I have to say other then understanding such a pop culture idea, I really did not enjoy this movie that much.
So Ben, is seduced by Mrs. Robinson, and in the middle of the affair, he meets and is taken by her daughter. Yet, when she finds out about her mother, she splits, leaving him to chase after her for the rest of the movie.
Overall, its unbelievable. An older woman would not just throw herself at someone like that. Also, the daughter would not be that taken by him, nor should he be that taken of her in such a short period of time. The characters aren't developed, or even remotely likable, except for the daughter. However, her likability goes down, when you factor in how rash she is.
The only cool part is when he goes to stalk her in Berkeley, he sits across from a book store that is like 3 blocks from my house. Otherwise this is the worse movie I've watched so far. I guess I'm glad to have seen it, to get the true history behind the song and cougar idea, but I have no need to ever watch it again.
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