My Israel friend Aimee and I went down to Stanford, her alma matter, to hit up a nature trail. It was a three mile paved loop around this hill right off of campus, that reminded me alot of this hill I climbed in Edinburgh.
While walking, we had a really great conversation, much will be present in the reflection. Aimee is, in a lot of ways, what I have been. She is soo similar to me and I want to be like "Don't do this, don't say this," because I know the strife and turmoil that follows. But either way, it felt really cool to bounce my current ideas about life on her, as it kinda felt like I was talking to a younger version of myself. However, I know I wasn't ready to really hear it AND internalize it, in a way that would have saved me any major drama.
But Aimee is an amazing person and it was great spending the day with her!!
I feel super lucky to have a friend like you! I too hope I'm able to internalize all of that wisdom you've accrued over the last year of life that you shared with me on the hike. It definitely has left me thinking. :) Thanks for spending the whole day with me!
No thank you!