Friday, September 3, 2010

Creative: Sephoria

Ok, so I keep cheating on this category. I may need to figure out a better way around this one. My mom decided that "I need to wear more makeup"(Lets not even get into that) and gave me money for my birthday for it. So I took Miquila to get a mini makeover. Many color combinations later(hence the creative part), I bought a neutral eye pallete, eye liner, aMAZing(Miquila emphasis) concelear, and I FINALLY have two different shades of lipstick that actually look good on me! YAY!! So now I get to play with it and see what I can do. I still don't think that I am going to quite wear it daily, like I think my mother intends, but at least I have some more options!!

1 comment:

  1. O'K, did not intend you to ware it daily, you always misquote me! So, are you a summer, winter spring or fall? Hope you ladies had fun.
