Sunday, December 5, 2010

reflection: Week 14

So I know I missed a few weeks. I decided to do my chart last week over two weeks, the week before break and the week of break. I didn't bring my laptop down to florida and I was super busy the week before break.

This week was full of ups and downs but this is the first time in a long time that I had a great Sunday! Sunday is usually my bad day, and if today was a good one, maybe I'm turning a corner!

I had a lot of things come together for me today! I'm also trying to really attack the major problem that is stressing me out at school, while letting other problems go completely. I'm also trying to bring my balance to a whole new level, especially the dress up one, trying to make myself look great everyday, and reading more regularly instead of just sitting at the computer or watching TV. I'm trying to sprinkle it in, instead of do everything hardcore!

Also, in my relationships I'm trying to take a huge step back and calm down and stop taking everything so seriously. I'm realizing that I have so much going for me and I need to keep remembering that.

SO a good end of week overall!!

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