After a particularly henius week last year, I took my coworker/friend Liz to Michaels so I could find a new creative outlet. This was probably the first stage of what I am currently doing now with my chart! I bought nearly $100 worth of crafts including scrapbooking, jewelery making and knitting stuff. With the exception of some scrapbooking pages I have yet to touch the stuff. UNTIL TODAY...
I was online with my old roommate Amy figuring out what creative thing to do, and wound up convincing her to come over so we could figure out how to knit. After unsuccessfully using several videos and websites, we found this one and this one. The first one is actually a series of videos and that taught us how to create the slip knot and how to cast(and is used to teach kids, so actually pretty helpful!). The second one was super helpful because her needles were so big I could actually see what she was doing!!! while we each remade ours several times, I can now say that I have done at least 6 rows without redoing it!
I think I have found my creative outlet for the next few weeks! Its challenging enough that it takes alot of energy, yet it doesn't actually involve my mind, so my mind literally empties. It's like my own little meditation! Huge fan so far! Even if my first scarf will probably only fit on a doll or a very small child!
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