Sunday, August 29, 2010

Creative: Slideshow

So I cheated a little bit, and have been making my own rules with this category and the cultural category. I did buy materials at Michaels for a craft, and have plans for other creativity, however this week I was technologically creative.I decided this morning when I shot up at 8am to make a slideshow of my life. Yes, thats right, everything from France in High school to riding a camel. I made this for my students so that they get to know me a little better the first few days of school. I also made a slide show of the major content of the year. I know its a little bit of a cop out, but I did get to be creative in choosing what pictures to include and the layout and whatnot. Oh well!


  1. Ha if I can figure out how to post it, I will! You are definitely in it!! :) So glad your first day went well tooo!
