Saturday, October 16, 2010

Movie: Fight Club

I dont know how it took me this long to see this movie. But I guess most of these movies I should have seen that I haven't!

So this movie follows an everyman through his white collar existence. He hates his life, but doesn't feel like he has any control, so he creates an imaginary friend/another self and creates an army of people who oppose the burgeoning corporate America.

It definitely had many interesting societal critiques. The first, and most prevalent, was peoples tacit agreement to keep the establishment, and corporations in power by working and respecting them. There was also the idea that men are designed to be aggressive, and protective of others, and corporate America takes all that away, leaving many men feeling lonely and useless. A comment they made, which I appreciated, was that people in power need the proletariat, for lack of a better term, and that in reality, there is a mutual agreement in place between the people in power and the proletariat, in order for the world to function as is. I think I am not explaining it right exactly, but I see quite a few social critques. I can't handle watching the movie again anytime soon, but if I see it again, I will try to pay more careful attention to it.

I am still a little confused how the girl fit in, or if she was simply a sub plot so some girls might be interested in the movie?

I did catch on to the personal struggle, and felt akin to it! I know sometimes we can feel that others can do it better then ourselves, or that we need permission to do things that we want to do. Brad Pitt kept talking about being free, and what he meant was free from societal pressure! He meant that society functions in large part to keep everyone in their place. I personally think that society does function for good, as it creates a moral and ethical code for people to live by, but alot of times it is way to cloistering, and keeps us from doing things we want, simply because we are afraid of what others think.

My thoughts are so not well developed at all, but it was definitely an interesting, thought provoking movie.

Final note-I started watching Leap Year at the beginning of the week, and decided to scrap it. I need to stop watching movies like that, that create unrealistic expectations for relationships! Instead I'll watch a movie where guys beat each other up for fun! That's super more realistic!

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