Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reflection: Week 7

I've been super behind on my whole chart this week. Partly being sick, partly Vegas, and partly work is getting harder. Luckily this weekend, I have/had plans only Friday and Saturday night, giving me lots of time to get to my chart, and revitalize me during the day! It was also a beautiful weekend as well!! I was able to complete everything except for physical, which I blame on my lingering cold. I am in the process of getting my bike fixed, so hopefully that will allow me to start biking again. Plus, I'd like to commit to twice a week from now on. I've been eating kinda crappier lately, and in the words of my coworker "If you want to continue looking the way you do, stop eating crap."

I overall had a GREAT week and weekend! Since the beginning of the year, I haven't had a full weekend to myself, and that was absolutely great! I got done soo much, and relaxed the whole time as well! Plus I still had tons of social time Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night!

I had a rough week at work however, but it ended off pretty well. Aileen helped me come up with a no prep way to teach my elective class, and I somehow found a low prep way to teach my history class. By doing this, I'll have less energy expended during the day, less work to do after school and more time to devote energy to differentiating instruction and parent/student outreach. I haven't officially rolled it out yet, so I'll check back in next week. A tough week, bore something that might actually work to my benefit. Why do I have to completely break down though, before I make a change?

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