Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reflection: Week 17

I think I am just making up numbers as of now. I have no idea which "week" I am in, especially since I keep skipping weeks that I am on break.

This week has been amazing!! I've been re-energized at work, I had friends over on Tuesday, spent most of the weekend being social in the city, had a field trip! Super exciting things! Also my attitude has gotten better.

I'm teaching the kids about attitude, and each week I am picking a different word. This week was irritation, which essentially means, you are getting something you didn't expect. I told them to cope with it, they should use this idea; "If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. This has been totally helping me. I mean I should practice what I preach, right?

Also, I've come up with a couple of resolutions of sorts! As I have pretty much sorted out my social life through this, I thought about other things I should work on.

  1. Dressing up daily, instead of once a week, to give myself confidence and make me feel beautiful
  2. emotional resiliance-being able to bounce back from things, and essentially not taking anything personally
  3. trying to listen better and think before I speak. This one, obviously is the hardest one for me.
So, I think as I go through the week with my balance chart, I will also be monitoring myself on these three components. I will start today.

  1. This one has been easy make up wise, and I actually have clothing that works. Unfortunately, its my shoe selection I need to work on
  2. I have been amazing at this this week. Things that often I take personal, such as attitude from kids, or parents or administration, I have taken a deep breath, realized its not personal and dealt with it accordingly. I'm actually super impressed with myself with this.
  3. I'm not doing soo good at the listening part, but I have been asking myself "is it important that other people need to hear this", especially in a professional way. For example, at a 4 hour meeting I only raised my hand and talked once and said something that i thought was important to share!
So overall, I'm feeling better and its showing and I'm super excited! I've been brimming with excitement most of the week, in between having my body nearly shut down from exhaustion! As long as I can get my sleeping schedule back on track I'll be alllll set!

Thanks to everyone that made this suuuuuuch a great week!


  1. I like the idea of asking yourself "is this really something people need to hear?" I feel like I always talk and give wayyy too much detail. You know when you're talking to someone your only acquaintances with and they ask you a question just to fill up the awkward silence. Well I'm definitely the one to make things more awkward by going into too many details that are irrelevant and end up with that stare at the end like- shoot why did I ask her that? haha, I think I'm going to work on that myself!

  2. Make a chart!! I'm actually doing this with my kids in class, having them all make goals, and mine is going to be Emotional Resilience! So think before I speak is going to be one of them!!

    But yeah, I totally know what you mean!! Mis you!!!
